Research Publications
11) Roberts, M.M., Schira, M.M., Spehar, B., Isherwood, Z.J. (2022). Nature in motion: The tuning of the visual system to the spatiotemporal properties of natural scenes. Journal of Vision, 22(6):7, 1-17. doi: 10.1167/jov.22.6.7. [pdf] [osf page: data] [twitter thread]
10) Tregillus, K.E.M., Isherwood, Z.J., Vanston, J.E., Engel, S.A., MacLeod, D.I.A., Kuriki, I., Webster, M.A. (2021). Color compensation in anomalous trichromats assessed with fMRI. Current Biology, 31, 1-7. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2020.11.039. [pdf] [osf page: data] [tweet]
9) Isherwood, Z.J., Huynh-Thu, Q., Arnison, M., Monaghan, D., Toscani, M., Perry, S., Honson, V., Kim, J. (2021). Surface properties and the perception of color. Journal of Vision, 21(2):7, 1–22. doi: 10.1167/jov.21.2.7. [pdf] [twitter thread]
8) Isherwood, Z.J., Clifford, C.W.G., Schira, M.M., Roberts, M.M., Spehar, B. (2021). Nice and slow: Measuring sensitivity and visual preference toward naturalistic stimuli varying in their amplitude spectra in space and time. Vision Research, 181, 47-60. doi: 10.1016/j.visres.2021.01.001. [pdf] [osf page: data, stimuli, code] [twitter thread]
7) Isherwood, Z.J., Joyce, D.S., Kuppuswamy Parthasarathy, M., Webster, M.A. (2020). Plasticity in perception: insights from color vision deficiencies. Faculty Reviews, 9(8). doi: 10.12703/b/9-8. [pdf] [tweet]
6) Puckett, A.M., Schira, M.M., Isherwood, Z.J., Victor, J.D., Roberts, J.A., Breakspear, M. (2020). Manipulating the structure of natural scenes using wavelets to study the functional architecture of perceptual hierarchies in the brain. NeuroImage, 221, 117173. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2020.117173. [pdf] [twitter thread]
5) Honson, V., Huynh-Thu, Q., Arnison, M.R., Monaghan, D., Isherwood, Z.J., Kim, J. (2020). Effects of Shape, Roughness and Gloss on the Perceived Reflectance of Colored Surfaces. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.00485. [pdf] [tweet]
4) Mancini, F., Wang, A.P, Schira, M.M., Isherwood, Z.J., McAuley, J.H., Iannetti, G.D., Sereno, M.I., Moseley, G.L., Rae, C.D. (2019). Fine-grained mapping of cortical somatotopies in chronic complex regional pain syndrome. Journal of Neuroscience, 39(46), 9185-9196, doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2005-18.2019. [pdf]
3) Viengkham, C., Isherwood, Z.J., Spehar, B. (2019). Fractal-Scaling Properties as Aesthetic Primitives in Vision and Touch. Axiomathes, 1-20. doi: 10.1007/s10516-019-09444-z. [pdf] [tweet]
2) Boyd Taylor, H.G., Puckett, A.M., Isherwood, Z.J., Schira, M.M. (2019). Vascular effects on the BOLD response and the retinotopic mapping of hV4. PLOS ONE, 14(6): e0204388. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0204388. [pdf][osf page: data] [tweet]
1) Isherwood, Z.J., Schira, M.M., Spehar, B. (2017). The tuning of human visual cortex to variations in the 1/fα amplitude spectra and fractal properties of synthetic noise images. NeuroImage, 146, 642-657. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2016.10.013. [pdf]